Friday, 25 November 2011


On Wednesday the 16th we visited the Rich mix Association in Bricklane. In the first part of the session we were given a speech on the history of music video's by Pete Frasier. Liz Kessler we had a session with director Corin Hardy. Corin started off directing with an obsession with monsters and creatures which he used animation to show. He was a very inspiring speaker as I could relate to him as he took the same A-Level subjects as myself and is in a career I would want to pursue in. 

Of all the videos Corin showed us my favourite was The Horrors 'She is the New Thing' which is very creepy and Gothic due to the ink drawings throughout. I had seen the video before but after hearing Corin's story of the video it made it even more interesting that ever before. He told us that it took him and a friend 3 weeks to illustrate all the drawings and that each of the drawings were pinned up drying in Corin's house. For every 3 seconds of footage there is a different animation, I really like the effect it creates as it makes the band look more animate and the drawings look spookier as they are slower.

Before we finished our morning session with Pete Fraser he set each of the schools and colleges a task to create a pitch for a music video for the song 'God & Satan' by Biffy Clyro. We were played the song and given our lunch break to create the pitch as a school and to elect a spokesperson to present our pitch during the afternoon session to Pete Fraser, Liz Kessler and Corin Hardy.

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