Conventions of a CD front cover are an image, which attracts the eye, name of the artist and album.
Here is the name of the artist and also the name of the album. The use of diamond shapes are used in the text here as the font makes the letters to be very pointy.
The artist is shown here on the front cover and he is also the main focus on the cover to an audience. This may be to show whom the artist possibly for reasons such as the public not knowing the artist by name but by face. Therefore they may gain some interest in the CD from the cover.
The background style and image is kept throughout the front and back cover, which makes the album easy to recognise by either side. There are uses of diamond shapes used in the background which may be the reason to the sparkle on the artists clothing in the image.
Within the artists arms he holds a city. This may resemble that it is his city and he runs it almost like a king. Therefore the artist might be trying to imply that he is the king of the music. As the album is of a Grime genre, the genre came up from London which is the capital city. Therefore he may be trying to indicate that he is the king of the city therefore the king of Grime music.
The artist appears to be very stylish and wearing very expensive clothing and jewelry. This appearance is enhanced by the affects used on the image, which light up his clothing almost like a shine.
Conventions of a CD back cover are to list the tracks, usually they are found along the left side of the cover but on this cover they are on the right side. Also the cover is to show the record label and the year the song was produced which are both shown at the bottom.
Here are the tracks from 1-13 listed in ascending order down the cover. The font of the text matches the rest of the cover such as the background and the shape the text is all put into, which are diamond shapes. Therefore they have kept this image of the diamonds throughout the cover in different forms.
At the bottom here there is a logo of the record label that produced the album. Also there is a website URL listed which is the artists website which may have a link to buy the album or find info on merchandise, tickets etc.
The barcode is placed at the bottom of the back cover. The barcode is printed on all back covers and are all different of different albums. The reason for barcodes is so they can be scanned and recognised by a system in a shop which would bring up the price.
Here is the spine to the CD cover; the spine shows the name of the artist and the name of the album. The reason for having a spine is so the album can be recognised by name if it is stacked on a shelf amongst other CD’s for example.
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